The first 2 weeks of February, I did
Miss Indie's #14DaysofLove
instagram challenge. It was a lot of fun sticking to these themes, and I think I ended up getting a couple of fairly interesting photos out of it, as well as getting to spend some time every day thinking about things I love and how to photograph it. How amazing is that for positive thinking!
The rest of the month, I've bee sticking with iPhone photography. It started out as something out of convenience, because I was used to it, and then I thought I might as well keep doing it through the whole month, making a concept out of it. Or something like that. Admittedly, I've had days when I absolutely did not feel like making the effort to get an interesting photo, and ended up photographing a random object that happened to be in front of me at the time. Actually that's been most of the 2nd half of this month. However, some of the images did turn out quite nice (in my opinion anyway!)
The bicycle wheel, for example, is one I like mainly because of the lines, colours and textures. I took it to get the numbers off the side of the bike, thinking I was going to buy a new set of tyres (I ended up dropping it of to get it done, paying for the price of the tyres plus a £10 checkover, which is fine to know it's safe)
This one was taken around 9am on a really cold, rather foggy day. This road can be quite busy, but at times it is pretty quiet, so it looks quite deserted in this picture. I like that it is mostly greyscale, but with the yellow lines still looking yellow. This is without any editing. I thought it had a certain atmosphere.
So here I am coming across all tourist-y. This was taken in Covent Garden last Thursday, in the evening, so we've got all these lights looking all nice and pretty. And of course the red telephone boxes. This is England people!
So, that's February, next month I'm planning to get my SLR out again. I don't have any particular themes or challenges in mind for March, so I guess it's either back to random whatever-comes-to-mind photography, or I'll look around to find something.