Thursday, 11 April 2013

Follow A Trend

Had the house to myself most of the day, and spent it with the camera. You know. Getting all dressed up, have some fun with the self timer. So here I am, rocking the denim trend (at least that's what I think I'm doing, HA), with my new Fat Face denim jacket, secondhand white floral denim skirt, and a pair of shoes I bought from ModCloth about 4 years ago. Complete with blue smoky eye and coral lipstick. Is this starting to sound like a beauty/fashion blog post yet?

As far as the camera is concerned, everything is on auto today, as I spent more time in front of the camera than behind it. I need a photographer. (or a model).

Corrected colours and crop in photoshop. 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

What Happened to March?

and the beginning of April, for that matter...
somehow, my photography just dropped. I intend to get back into the habit now.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Coffee shop joy

I walked into Costa Coffee today, and thought it might be worth checking how many points I had on that loyalty card I got... 3 years ago. Oh the joy of a surprising free coffee! And I've got enough points for another one, too. That is going to make me very happy some day when I find myself skint and longing for some luxury :)

Friday, 8 March 2013

cat photo of the 7th

will be uploaded soon... as i'm too tired to get my memory card out of the camera now!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Too Tired For Photography

Camera is left abandoned as I've had a busy day and once again found my bike with a flat tyre. Walk home at half past 9 at night? Won't recommend it.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Hug A Hoodie

Go on, do it. I dare you.
Naa don't worry, I'm not gangsta. I do live in this hoodie and a pair of grey, fitted sweatpants though, because that works pretty well for cycling everywhere. This is me at the end of the day, makeup running and dressed in the least sexy clothes it is humanly possible to find, but nonetheless feeling strangely satisfied because I've been exercising for about an hour altogether. And if you think you've seen this pose before, it's because you have. I need to dig out my tripod for some more options!

Shutter 5, F 5.6

Monday, 4 March 2013

Girls Night In

With a magazine and new shade of nail polish. I really like this Rimmel Lycra Pro nail polish, because of the big brush making it easy to apply, and the finish is nice too - though you can't really see that in this photo. I liked the black/white and pink in this photo, quite cool. 

Bought it today, on a shopping trip. Spent too much money again. Oops. 

Shutter 1/50, F5.6

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Going Green

Once again, my bike. I usually lock it to a plant in the backyard, and it tends to look like it's been abandoned there for ages. It's nicely out of the way though; today I accidentally left my gloves on the seat for 4 hours, and they were still there when I got back. This picture, in particular, I like because of the lines and colours. I also quite like this contrast between the green leaves and the hard, grey, manmade constructed device that is an old bicycle. Of course bikes and nature go hand in hand - environment friendly! Oh yes!

That Profile Picture

You know the one. The one taken in the bathroom. In the mirror. Showing off the camera. Making a statement, the statement being "Hey! I'm a photographer! I've got a camera! And no imagination! Photographer! Expensive equipment!" or in my case, iphone. Sometimes, the statements could also be "hey! boobs! but I've got no friends to take a picture of me!" or in my case, just I've got no friends to take a picture of me. Cause I'm not dressed up, so no boobies.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

You Animal

Is an explanation necessary? I love dressing down in my pyjama bottoms when I get home in the evening, because it takes effort to be dressed smart all the time and these are sooooo comfy. So comfy. I'll sometimes stay in them all day if I'm not doing anything or trying to impress someone. 

Thursday, 28 February 2013

February, the Month of iPhone Photography

The first 2 weeks of February, I did Miss Indie's #14DaysofLove instagram challenge. It was a lot of fun sticking to these themes, and I think I ended up getting a couple of fairly interesting photos out of it, as well as getting to spend some time every day thinking about things I love and how to photograph it. How amazing is that for positive thinking! 

The rest of the month, I've bee sticking with iPhone photography. It started out as something out of convenience, because I was used to it, and then I thought I might as well keep doing it through the whole month, making a concept out of it. Or something like that. Admittedly, I've had days when I absolutely did not feel like making the effort to get an interesting photo, and ended up photographing a random object that happened to be in front of me at the time. Actually that's been most of the 2nd half of this month. However, some of the images did turn out quite nice (in my opinion anyway!)

The bicycle wheel, for example, is one I like mainly because of the lines, colours and textures. I took it to get the numbers off the side of the bike, thinking I was going to buy a new set of tyres (I ended up dropping it of to get it done, paying for the price of the tyres plus a £10 checkover, which is fine to know it's safe) 

This one was taken around 9am on a really cold, rather foggy day. This road can be quite busy, but at times it is pretty quiet, so it looks quite deserted in this picture. I like that it is mostly greyscale, but with the yellow lines still looking yellow. This is without any editing. I thought it had a certain atmosphere.

So here I am coming across all tourist-y. This was taken in Covent Garden last Thursday, in the evening, so we've got all these lights looking all nice and pretty. And of course the red telephone boxes. This is England people! 

So, that's February, next month I'm planning to get my SLR out again. I don't have any particular themes or challenges in mind for March, so I guess it's either back to random whatever-comes-to-mind photography, or I'll look around to find something.

New Old Hair

Today, I decided it's time to tidy up that mop I've been keeping on my head. It doesn't seem like such a long time since my last haircut, but I couldn't see anymore so it was time for an update!

I went to the same salon as before, since I was happy with the look then, and I wasn't disappointed. There was a new trainee there today, so the cut only cost me £10. Things really are going my way right now. 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

A Nice Day

See the colour of the sky? It's not grey! It really isn't grey! OMG! 
Out in the afternoon for once, cold morning but quite nice later on. And sheep :D 


Seeeeriously out of ideas. Been spending the day doing laundry, tidying, and checking my bank account because i was supposed to get some money. nope. 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Tea & Biscuits

Because. Just because. Funny day, one guy asked me out for a drink, another walked into the door because he was too busy looking at me, and my colleague kept dropping pens on the floor. 


(posted a bit late, sorry) Almost finished the front piece of my knitting project, it's looking massive... Should get all my yarns in there no problem when it's done!

Friday, 22 February 2013

More Gaming

So basically, today's been the first day all week I haven't been super busy, and since my boyfriend is working the night shift, I've had a totally lazy all day - stayed in bed with him until half 11, picked the bike up, then played mass effect 3 for a bit, wasted time on the internet, and had a shower. And that's my day. I also realised I need a really good night out at the Half Moon, so I guess I'll be saving up for a weekend in London. 

Thursday, 21 February 2013

London Daytrip

Long day today, got up for a blood test then got a train into London to see my dad and sister. On the train back now, will be home late. Looking forward to a good night's sleep... Been a good day though.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

To Write or Not To Write

Again, not an awful lot to photograph and I'm too tired to look for anything interesting. So here's my keyboard. It's been an interesting and quite eventful day. Long though. Left at 11am, came back around 10pm. Time to blog, check facebook, watch the last episode of Heroes, and get ready for blood test and meeting family tomorrow. That's going to be a ridiculously long day, too. I've been rather tired today, but enjoying my job very much so far. Some of the customers are such flirts, and I swear I saw one of the usually stone-faced ones smile at me today! Honest! And since I'm no longer completely useless at the technical bits, I can focus more on interactions and keeping my smile up, which is what makes the job enjoyable. 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The Road Ahead

Goooood morning everyone, this is me getting up early to take my bike for repair, getting it back on Friday with 2 new tyres, tubes and a checkover, totalling £40. It's been cold, frosty and foggy this morning, and while pretty... brrrrrrr.... getting out of bed at half past 8 was hard. Still, it's good to know the bike will be ready and safe in a couple of days, and a morning walk never killed anyone. Quite nice really. 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Bikes bikes bikes

Currently facing some frustration with flat bike tyres. Was going to get a new set, went to the bike shop, the bloke said to bring it in. This was really just to make a note of the numbers on my bike, but I thought the picture turned out quite interesting.

Sunday, 17 February 2013


This fruit bowl just wanted to be photographed. Not in the mood for any huge photography projects right now, sorry... Boyfriend asleep upstairs, everyone else doing their own thing, I'm watching Heroes and knitting. 

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Xbox All Day

So I've got another long weekend off. Been playing xbox all day. Yup, turning into a bloke. Well not quite, this Mass Effect marathon has lasted a couple of weeks because I don't play every day, and occasionally do other stuff, too. 

Friday, 15 February 2013

This Is Love

Apologies; I've been busy today, so you'll have to make do with a bad iphone snapshot of the cat! He is adorable though. 
Edited colours & reduced noise (slightly) in Photoshop.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

#14 Yourself

I'm sure you'll be familiar with my face by now. Yeah, this is meeeee. None my makeup and dressed up all flirty in my River Island dress that I absolutely love, with my special ring and a necklace my boyfriend got me for christmas. 

So that's it, my #14DaysofLove instagram challenge is finished, and I'll be back to posting pictures of whatever tomorrow ;)

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

#13 Quote

Quote. This kind of had to be Oscar Wilde on art, simply because no-one seems to 'get' art like he did. I picked this one in particular because I, for one, struggle to appreciate all art equally. In art school, there is a certain feeling that you should be flexible, open-minded and artistically explore and appreciate everything, and that kind of attitude makes me slightly miserable because I can't. A lot of art is just... not for me. Turning to Wilde, though, just reassures me that it's ok; nothing wrong with me, nothing wrong with the art I don't like. 

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

#12 Movie

This is my all time favourite movie - Pink Floyd The Wall. As a teenager, I'd watch this film several times a week. I just love how they managed to tell this story without any dialogue explaining what's going on. Also awesome music, great filming and animations, and symbolism to discover making it deeper and more meaningful every time I watch it. Just a brilliant work of art. 

Drew a brick wall on a piece of paper and cut out two squares of it, photographing the screen through that. Then instagrammed result. 

Monday, 11 February 2013

#11 Clothing

Must admit this was a rather tricky one to photograph - had some trouble getting the angles right! ANYWAYS, clothing. This is a miniskirt my boyfriend gave me for christmas 2 years ago. I love skirts, they make me feel very pretty and feminine. I need that sometimes. 

Sunday, 10 February 2013

#10 Collection

I love my shoe collection. It's always growing, because I always find something new and exciting. This is just a small selection of the shoes I've got at the moment, all from different places. Iron Fist shoes from the Southgate charity shop. White shoes from Modcloth, all the way from America a few years back. Pink from a shop in Copenhagen. Red and floral from New Look. 

Saturday, 9 February 2013

#9 Pet

Technically not my cat, but we live in the same house and I love him so he totally counts. Anyways, MY pet (boyfriend) is the one holding him, which is why Paddy the cat looks so annoyed here. 

Friday, 8 February 2013

#8 Hobby

Well then, my favourite hobby. It's drawing and painting I guess. I consider that a hobby now, rather than a possible career, because that way I enjoy it more because it's less serious and I don't need to think about the whole "art world" nonsense. Also, quoting Psycho, a hobby should pass the time, not fill it. It's more enjoyable when it's not the only thing I think about, and something I should be doing 24/7.

Heart is just to go with the whole love-theme of the challenge. A bit of fun. Enjoy. 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

#7 Possession

Today's theme, favourite possession.I had to think long and hard about this one, until I realised the answer is obvious. It's this ring, made from my grandfather's egg spoon.

My granddad died when I was young, before my sister was born. We had a very good relationship. I was the only one of his grandkids who was born before he died, so I suppose that's kind of special. Anyway, for my confirmation, my grandmother had this ring made out of an egg spoon he got as a christening present. It has his name engraved on the inside. The boy and goat are from a traditional Norwegian song, Blåmann, Blåmann bukken min.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

#5 Memory

or memories. 
This is a display cabinet I got from my dad and sister for my birthday a couple of years ago. It has some personal item in it. Photographs, cards, the blank piece of paper tat posed as a diploma on my graduation, a miniature Versace Crystal Noir bottle my mum gave me a few years back, and a perfume, scarab and phial my boyfriend sent me when he got back from holiday in Egypt, before we officially started dating so it was all very surprising and exciting. I only ever used that perfume for special occasions though; it's too precious to me. 

Monday, 4 February 2013

#4 Time of Day

Nighttime is my time. I've always been somewhat nocturnal. I like the night, that's when I'm inspired to do stuff and usually feel quite awake. There is rarely any pressure for me to do things at night. And when I finally go to sleep, I get to escape from reality and dream. 

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Saturday, 2 February 2013

#2 Book

2nd day of the instagram challenge. Topic of today: book.
I love my copy of H.P Lovecraft's Complete Fiction, it's a lovely leather bound book and some pretty good stories, too. 

Friday, 1 February 2013

#1 Colour

First day of the 14 Days of Love Instagram Challenge, Colour
My favourite colour is red, because it's bold and inspired confidence. Also, my favourite shoes are red. I love the bright red lip, though I'm not always confident enough to wear it...

iPhone photo, edited with instagram. 

My January Favourites

Looking back, these are my 4 favourite photographs from January. 

Frozen pond, as it is just that much more magical with snow.

Frosty fence, because it's cold and hard. 

Chocolates, because it's chocolate. Also lovely warm colours, what remained of Xmas.

Me, in red. Total narcissist of course. But I do like this picture.

I did miss one day of photography, which was disappointing but a result of a busy day and a night out drinking. For February, I'm thinking I might do Miss Indie's 14 Days of Love Instagram Challenge, so the first two weeks will probably be instagrammed iPhone images! 

Thursday, 31 January 2013

A Little Dry Maybe

Another walk to do some shopping. Needed some stuff to get safely on the road with the bike. Took a few photos on the road, thought this one was quite nice. 

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

My Favourite Tools

So Wednesday, my last shift at work this week. Also probably the last day this week I'm doing my full face makeup. Whey. I only discovered about 2 weeks ago I've been using the wrong foundation brush, so my face now looks slightly better with makeup on. The right tools are important I guess. Also, I've been using BB Cream rather than foundation most days.

On a side note, I'm DONE with the bus. Today, I had an unbelievably rude bus driver, who insisted the stop outside my house wasn't a bus stop and wouldn't have let me on at all if I hadn't run after him with my wallet out. Some snarky remark when I got on, and I was really quite annoyed. No, it really is a bus stop. I've got on there every day this week, and when I'm coming that way going home, the buses always stop there. It's definitely a bus stop and it has been since the first time I visited this area.

Of course another reason to get the bike ready is cost. A return ticket on the bus is £5.30. I'm supposed to work 4 x 4hours a week. That means, if I get the bus both ways every day, that's one day's work just to be able to get there. That's not very good is it.

Photo? Oh iPhone.