Thursday 31 January 2013

A Little Dry Maybe

Another walk to do some shopping. Needed some stuff to get safely on the road with the bike. Took a few photos on the road, thought this one was quite nice. 

Wednesday 30 January 2013

My Favourite Tools

So Wednesday, my last shift at work this week. Also probably the last day this week I'm doing my full face makeup. Whey. I only discovered about 2 weeks ago I've been using the wrong foundation brush, so my face now looks slightly better with makeup on. The right tools are important I guess. Also, I've been using BB Cream rather than foundation most days.

On a side note, I'm DONE with the bus. Today, I had an unbelievably rude bus driver, who insisted the stop outside my house wasn't a bus stop and wouldn't have let me on at all if I hadn't run after him with my wallet out. Some snarky remark when I got on, and I was really quite annoyed. No, it really is a bus stop. I've got on there every day this week, and when I'm coming that way going home, the buses always stop there. It's definitely a bus stop and it has been since the first time I visited this area.

Of course another reason to get the bike ready is cost. A return ticket on the bus is £5.30. I'm supposed to work 4 x 4hours a week. That means, if I get the bus both ways every day, that's one day's work just to be able to get there. That's not very good is it.

Photo? Oh iPhone.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

The Look

Working evenings today and tomorrow, which means I'm home most of the day. The cat is very happy about that. He likes having me around, and apparently, he comes looking for me when I'm out. Awww.

Shutter 1/60, F5

Monday 28 January 2013

Getting Ready

Just getting ready for work. You know, putting my face on. Had a bit too much time this morning, got up early to make sure I had a key, and also, didn't know when I was in. Hadn't got my shifts for this week yet when I was in on Thursday, manager phoned me at half 8. OK organisation isn't their strongest point I guess?

Shutter 1/13, F8

Sunday 27 January 2013

The Morning After

Apologies. Missed yesterday. Today I'm hungover. Note to self: avoid shots.
Today I'm really really really not in the mood to be creative, take pictures or do anything. Shame, it's a lovely day, the sky has the most unusual colour (blue) and there's something big and bright up there (sun). Tomorrow it's supposed to be back to normal (rain).

So self-portrait with phone camera, can you tell? That's me and my coffee being miserable together.

Friday 25 January 2013

I feel that Ice is Slowly Melting

It's still cold and frosty outside, but due to some temperature changes, icicles have formed outside the house. It's quite beautiful, and makes me think maybe there will be an end to this long cold lonely winter. 

Taken with my iPhone on my way to the shop. I needed cat food. 

Thursday 24 January 2013


Soooo here I am. Home from my first shift, that was quite fun but there's A LOT to take in... And since it's still freezing cold, I've changed into my woolies. I usually feel like a bit of a sheep all winter, and tend to drop 2 dress sizes once my thick wool tights come off in spring. Normally I wear my jeans over them.

This was taken with the trial version of Smart Shooter, available online or from the App store. Also pretty decent software I think, basically doing the same thing as DSLR Assistant that I've used before, and allow me to use my camera remotely by shooting via my computer. Such fun.

This was exposure 5, F5.6 and ISO 100, no flash, some photoshop adjustments but not much.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Have Some Olives

So it's snowing again and I don't particularly fancy going anywhere or do anything. Boyfriend just headed off to work (wish he hadn't - snowing outside and now also getting dark), though he was kind enough to go out earlier to get some olives. I love olives. Been spending the day reading my folder to see what I'll be learning the next couple of weeks at work, so I'll have an idea of what's expected. Also, there will be a test in a few weeks time so I guess it's never too early to start taking in that information. 

Oh, and I got another phone call today, about an apprenticeship I applied for a few weeks ago, before I knew I got this job. I know they say it's easier to get a job if you've got one already, but daaaaamn, didn't know it would come into effect quite so early! I was however quite pleased to be able to say I'm not interested in the position anymore because I've accepted another job. Finally!

So back to those olives then, exposure 5, F36, ISO 100. Adjusted colours a little, but not much.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

The End of the Day

Since it's been my 2nd day of training today, I'm quite tired and not at all in the mood for photography. All I want tonight is a nice cuppa tea and reading entertaining nothings on the internet thank you very much. So that's what I photographed.

shutter 1/25, F5, ISO 800 I believe. Desaturated and edited contrast in photoshop.

Monday 21 January 2013


So today, finally, training for my new job started. Because of the weather I got up at 6 and got there 1 1/2 hours early, wandered about for a while, got a new pair of socks as snow got into my shoes and I didn't want to catch a cold because that would be inconvenient. I took this photo when I got home, that's the bathroom window and me being a a bit tired after a long day.


Sunday 20 January 2013

Big Bright Beautiful World out there

It's been snowing all day, and I just generally haven't been in the mood to go take my camera out. Instead, I've been inside playing xbox all day, and worrying about the snow and public transport tomorrow. Therefore I have been focusing almost obsessively on my window and the snow outside, that has now started settling on the road, and my start time tomorrow has been pushed back to 11 so i can get a slightly less early start but still won't be able to get there if buses and trains aren't running so AAAARGH! 

Shutter 1/25, F4, ISO 1600

Saturday 19 January 2013

Pond and Snow

It has now stopped snowing, and I decided to bring my camera out to the woods again before it all melts because OMG, snow you guys!!!

This is that pond again, out in the woods, that I seem to go to all. the. time. because it totally looks like something out of a fairy tale.

That's shutter 1/100, F8, ISO 200.

Friday 18 January 2013

Possibly Narnia

Oh my, it's really snowing today. Like, badly. Like, I could look out the window and think I might possibly be in Norway right now. Except the whole country is panicking and driving unsafely, not due to recklessness but due to inappropriate equipment, that is, lack of winter/snow tyres. 

So while it is pretty as a picture outside, please go away snow. 

Shutter 1/200, F11, ISO 400. Adjusted colours in photoshop. 

Thursday 17 January 2013

Laundry Day

Anything even remotely interesting happen today?

I'm taking it easy now, since next week is going to be stressful. Also, boyfriend's working days, so tired from disrupted sleeping patterns (4.30am is WAY too early to get up for the hell of it). So yeah, I'm doing laundry.

Shutter 5, F11, ISO 100

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Pretty, Frosty

It's been a proper winter's day today. Very cold. Quite nice though - very pretty out there. Taken with iPhone.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

War Paint: Ready

So once again, lipstick, but this time without the lips. Can you tell I'm out of ideas?

Shutter 1/60, F5.6

Monday 14 January 2013

Relax, Listen

2nd Weekly Self-Portrait, this time I wanted to use the colour red to draw your attention to the picture. And it just so happens I got a brand new pair of red earphones just two days ago, so I wanted to show them off. Also, lips. Since my tripod is currently playing hide and seek in the garage and WINNING, there are some limitations to camera setup at the moment, but my night light/radio/alarm once again came to the rescue and provided a fairly functional platform for my camera. So today's picture? Music, relaxation, happiness. 

Used DSLR Assistant trial version, shutter 1, F 5.6 and ISO 100 (I think). Edited tone contrast, colours and tweaked curves in Photoshop before posting.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Winter Night

So it got just a little bit cold today. A little. Now it's snowing. It's kind of pretty and kind of unusual, but I'm still looking forward for it to GO AWAY. Which it will, tomorrow.

Shutter 1/20, F5, ISO 3200

Saturday 12 January 2013

Accidentally Cheerful

Today, I walked to town and back. It's just over 15km, so I'm quite proud of myself thank you very much. I brought my crap camera because the area is quite urban, I'm just a little girl, all alone,  and have a (possibly) irrational fear of being mugged if I wave expensive equipment about. Anyway. This picture was actually an accident... I took it just as I was moving, however, I absolutely love the colours and think this looked nicer than the graffiti art anyway (sorry talented artists). It's like... abstract colours contrasting grey field. It also kind of reflects the day I've had, since I've been quite down and depressed recently, and found myself drawn to ugly, hard, cage-y looking things, until I got a phone call from my future employer offering me a job, which was definitely quite a lift! So here we are, a happy accident.

Since I used my crap camera, I didn't have much control over the settings today. Camera chose shutter 1/12 and F2.8, I've edited it a litte in photoshop (auto tone, contrast and colour) just to make the colours pop.

Friday 11 January 2013


Headed out in the afternoon today, only to discover the sun was just setting. Then I got fascinated by the silhouettes of the trees and branches everywhere.

shutter 1/250, F14, ISO 400, tweaked curves slightly in photoshop

Thursday 10 January 2013

Plans, dreams, hopes, organisation

Today, I've been in a bad mood. Absolutely terrible. I woke up with a headache, disappointed to still be alive, and it really just got worse from there. Anything and everything pisses me off, and I just feel like I want to either cry or kill somebody or both. Perfect day for getting organised, in other words. 
We've been tidying, then I had a look online at job listings because I still haven't heard anything since that interview last week and am expecting the worst because I'm a f***ing pessimist.

Photo is about organisation since it's my 2013 diary. Noting something down represents hopes and plans. Cropped and adjusted colours & contrast in photoshop. shutter 1/20, F3.5, ISO 400

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Village Sheep

The village, and some sheep. I love sheep, they're funny.

Shutter 1/80, F13, ISO 100

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Natural Separation

Today, I took my camera out for a walk in the woods. I was messing with my settings so about 3/4 of my pictures turned out terrible, but I suppose it is a learning curve and it's only the 2nd week of January so DON'T JUDGE ME! Anyways, I had a few pictures to choose from, this one I really liked because of the  vibrant colours  connection with the season. Despite being quite mild (this is England, after all) it's winter, and nature really is quite depressing this time of the year. Everything seems to look a bit grey and brown and dull, and lots of things are, well, dead. Here are some dead leaves floating in the pond with the reflection of bare trees. 

Exposure 1/10, F9, ISO 100. Flash off. 

Monday 7 January 2013

Sleepy Jan

Well I did say I'd try to attempt a weekly self-portrait as part of this challenge. So hello world, this is me, and I'm tired.

I discovered last night that Canon EOS Utility doesn't work with my new operating system. Disappointed! This means I can't use it for remote shooting with my laptop anymore. Super disappointed! I also discovered there SHOULD be an update on the Canon website, but I keep getting an error report saying file isn't found. Guess what? DISAPPOINTED!

So I tried something else instead. This was taken using the trial version of DSLR Assistant, that I downloaded last night and quite liked. I may end up buying it, but I will of course try other options to make sure because I think $60 is a considerable amount and not something I'll take lightly. 

Anyway, back to today's photo. This was taken in low light, shutter 30, F25 and ISO was either 200 or 400. Monochrome setting, no flash. Adjusted curves slightly in photoshop. 

Sunday 6 January 2013

Oh Sweetie

This is a declaration of my love for chocolate. 
Since Christmas, we've had lots of boxes of chocolate lying around. This is from a Quality Street box, this particular piece is the (darker pink) strawberry delight. Mostly wrappers forming the background, and lighting mainly from the right, from my alarm/radio/lightbox. 

Used my 55-250mm zoom lens, 1/30 shutter, F5.6 and ISO 800, flash off.

Saturday 5 January 2013

The Shoe Shelf

Since I moved in with my boyfriend, I haven't had much space for my shoes. I love shoes. After a few weeks of stumbling over them all the time, and being unable to ever find a matching pair, we cleared some space on top of the wardrobe for them. I think it's quite perfect. I get to see them all the time, and never have trouble finding a pair. What else could a girl wish for? 

Friday 4 January 2013

View From the Bathroom Window

Today, I have been quite busy. Apologies. There was a job interview. So basically I haven't had much time to go on a hunt with my camera. Instead, here's the view from the bathroom window at night. I really love how this plant looks through the glass, and have been thinking about capturing it several times. This was taken with my iPhone, I may revisit the subject some time with my SLR. Until then, enjoy.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Knitting project

Today, I've been knitting. I'm working on a project that will eventually become a nice big knitted bag for all my knitting stuff, made up of leftover yarns I got cheap on ebay. That means lots and lots of pretty colours. 
ISO 800, F5.6 and shutter 1/6, Flash on.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Golden Apples

Today, I've been sneaking around the house photographing the christmas decorations. Pretty pretty. I think I liked this one because of all the glitter, and also contrast between shiny, shiny and darker background. I've been messing with the manual settings on my camera, this was 1/6 exposure and F16, flash on (obviously).

Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year, Old Traditions

New Year's Eve, the end of one year, the beginning of another. As long as I can remember, it has been celebrated with a tv countdown to midnight, champagne, fireworks, then some comedy and/or a variety show. This year, it was John Bishop.

Photo taken with iPhone camera, no flash.