Saturday 1 December 2012

My Equipment: iPhone

iphone, iphone, iphone...
It's with me everywhere I go, and yet I rarely think of it as a camera.
It's slow to turn on, and the photos rarely turn out very well. We just don't get along. I actually prefer the crap camera if there's a choice between the two. Nonetheless, I use the iPhone camera if there's nothing else around. And some people seem to just have a way with them, so it could potentially be a valuable piece of equipment... right?

I have occasionally used my iPhone when I've been out on various walks, because I have a nasty habit of forgetting my camera at home. (bad)

iPhone Greatest Hits

View from the shopping centre in Wood Green.

Stonehenge. Facing the wrong direction.

Nearby wood. Pretty.

Public footpath. Also pretty.

Nearby road. Lovable until some car comes along very very fast and you can't really get out of the way.
Just saying.

Gardermoen airport, Norway

A glass of ice water in front of golden tea light holder

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