Wednesday 30 January 2013

My Favourite Tools

So Wednesday, my last shift at work this week. Also probably the last day this week I'm doing my full face makeup. Whey. I only discovered about 2 weeks ago I've been using the wrong foundation brush, so my face now looks slightly better with makeup on. The right tools are important I guess. Also, I've been using BB Cream rather than foundation most days.

On a side note, I'm DONE with the bus. Today, I had an unbelievably rude bus driver, who insisted the stop outside my house wasn't a bus stop and wouldn't have let me on at all if I hadn't run after him with my wallet out. Some snarky remark when I got on, and I was really quite annoyed. No, it really is a bus stop. I've got on there every day this week, and when I'm coming that way going home, the buses always stop there. It's definitely a bus stop and it has been since the first time I visited this area.

Of course another reason to get the bike ready is cost. A return ticket on the bus is £5.30. I'm supposed to work 4 x 4hours a week. That means, if I get the bus both ways every day, that's one day's work just to be able to get there. That's not very good is it.

Photo? Oh iPhone.

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